December 28, 2012

selfish, arrogant and all. that is me !


it's just that i think i am a perfectionist. andd, someone that is soooo berkira. something like, kau ada tangan kaki sendiri, buat sendiri. aku sendiri pun boleh buat or kau ada thermos sendiri, gunalah sendiri punyalah, buat apa nak minta air panas dekat orang lain.

yess, im sorta like that. it is me. it happened. again. look. roomate aku ni macam tak serik or memang belum dapat kesedaran pun. dia sangatlahhh mempunyai fikiran di mana 'kau ada dalam bilik, so aku tak perlu buka pintu guna kunci, hanya sekadar ketuk pintu, expecting that we would open the door for you'. yes, she's the type of person like that in which i feel it is sooooo annoying !

ya, sebab kunci dan pintu yang auto-lock buatkan aku menyampahh dengan perangai dia. I JUST CAN'T STAND IT. come on la. aku dengan 3 orang lain dalam bilik ni mampu buka pintu dengan kunci sendiri WALAUPUN tahu ada orang dalam bilik ni. kitorang ketuk gila hanya bila tak bawak kunci.

tapi perempuan ni, terlupa bawak kunci semedang je. sebab memang tahu dia balik break, ada orang dalam bilik yang boleh bukakan pintu untuk dia but being me, memang taklah kan.

look, roomate yang lain yang kalau balik penat dan letih tu pun boleh buka pintu sendiri dengan kunci dia. tapi perempuan ni, WALAUPUN KUNCI ADA DEKAT TANGAN SENDIRI TAPI TAHU ADA MANUSIA DALAM BILIK, TAHAN MENGETUK PINTU, TUNGGU ORANG BUKAKAN PINTU UNTUK DIA DARIPADA BUKA PINTU SENDIRI GUNA KUNCI SENDIRI.

sampailah tadi, aku sorang je dalam bilik, dan dia balik, mengetuk pintu tu. aku tak bukak pun walaupun banyak kali dia ketuk. lepastu dia call aku suruh buka. dan bila jadi aku yang dah menyampah dengan orang macam tu, memanglah aku jawab dingin je. yess, very coldd. dan bila buka pintu, aku memang nak meletup dengan perangai dia ni tapi aku cakap sloww je. lepastu dia boleh nak buat muka masam. pergi mati !

till now, tak tegur dengan aku. what? do i care? heh.

and if you think this scenario is just a small matter, you're so wrong my dear cause perempuan ni buat perangai ni ever since sem 1, awal awal tu. dan kami sebilik automatik rasa annoying dengan dia. not only me.

tak sedar ke diri macam loser bila perangai macam tu.


November 25, 2012


I feel so damn bored. nak hang out !


November 16, 2012

i'm backkk..again.

almost a year i left this blog. 

no readers for sure but it's doesn't matter. this blog is like a medium for me to improve my language. 

it's a medium to share something personal when i feel like no one can be trusted. experiences teach me not to trust people easily even your best buddy. 

this is what we

life is like a game. to win, you have to fight. nobody wants to lose. but if you choose the wrong way, game over. it is. no kidding.

my life is just okay. but, i could sense something has changed between us. the friends. 

we have changed bit by bit. no, i don't blame anybody. i just feel a bit disappointed. i'm not sure why but this is what i feel. well, people changed. this is it.


November 26, 2011

my last class with them


you know what? those male classmates of ours were rude. [to me la]. okay maybe i had never been in the situation and so when it came to me as the main subject, i felt so offended. really!

day by day, i know my weigh already increase bit by bit. and that is the reason why i looked so fat. really fat especially when the time i stood next to your fiancee. she's so slim, not like me : the fatty girl with her pimply face. oh well, i am already a woman. 

okay back to the story. when i asked HZ to take my photo with your fiancee, suddenly FRD came, stood in front of us and said that i am 'buncit' in front of HZ and others, i couldnt remember. to me, it was a huge humiliation. yes huge! whats wrong with perut buncit? not only once but many times and they kept looking at me whenever i tried to take photo with others. and siap cakap jendol plus buncit. WHAT THE FUCK. 

then i decided to go home early when everyone was enjoying their meals. just GO DIE with those fuckers. 
